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Association of African Podcasters and Voice Artist

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Community
  • Media & Broadcasting


Kubwa, AbujaFCT, North 901101Nigeria Nigeria

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We influence the african audio industry and are a one-stop-shop for creatives on the continent It is our intent to provide Access to features Large listenership Possible following and willing guests We will be spotlighting Africa's best Creating a Support System for budding talents Joint publicity for community members



  1. Discover Africa’s Unique voices by finding Africans worth spotlighting for the world to appreciate
  2. Amplify Africa’s unique voices via events, spotlights etc.
  3. Appreciate the excellent works of african audio creatives via the African Podcast and Voice Awards
  4. Strengthen the African audio industry by providing home-grown resources that cater to the needs of audio creatives
  5. Transform audio skills into viable businesses via the APVA Academy
  6. Lead conversations with international organizations (prospect partners) and mediate to provide tools and facilities that can be easily accessed by African talents.
  7. Partner and support communities and organizations looking to support the African audio industry.


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