Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Board Development
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Computers & Technology
3501 HIGHWAY 917LORIS, SC 29569 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve our community by putting family valued principles into practice that enhance educational opportunities, foster a healthy environment, and improve the quality of life all. We currently operate afterschool and summer programs for youth. Through partnership, we offer adult education services, food distribution, and host community agencies that have services that benefit our community. This organization is derived from graduates of segregated schools for African Americans. The group bought the historic site and made it into a community center to serve the rural community. The organization provides cultural and community events.
Finklea High and Loris Training Schools Alumni Association is a 501c(3) operating with a fully volunteer executive board. Throughout the years, Finklea has led many community service projects. Finklea Family After School Team (FFAST)-For the past five years, Finklea has hosted a free afterschool program for youth ages 4 to 18. During program hours, adult education services are offered for parents, young adults, and community members. Certified Nursing Assistant Classes- To bring the opportunity for greater employment opportunities. Food Distribution- Working with partners such as Spokes of Hope, Low Country Food Bank, and Sisters of Charity, Every summer Finklea is a Summer Meals site through Waccamaw EOC. Recently, Finklea worked with Lowe’s Home Improvement and United Way to Provide Thanksgiving meals to ten families in the local area. Community COVID19 Vaccination Site- The center worked with SCDHEC to host multiple vaccination events to promote vaccinations. Disaster Recovery Shelter/Services- During a hurricane, Green Sea Floyds schools were not opened as a shelter. Many residents did not have transportation and wanted to stay in the local area. Finklea opened its doors and housed over 100 people during the storm. Finklea also worked with Palmetto Disaster Recovery. Household Goods Distribution- Finklea receives donations from a local Walmart. Annual Thanksgiving Meals- Each year, Finklea sponsors a community Thanksgiving lunch. Healthier Me- DSS grant to educate residents with chronic illnesses.