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Medical Reserve Corps of North Idaho

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Disaster Relief
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Health & Medicine


8500 North Atlas RoadHayden, ID 83835 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission We will RECRUIT and TRAIN community members from all walks of life, including healthcare professionals, in order to RESPOND efficiently and be prepared to function in a public health or other emergency, and SUSTAIN the interest and commitment of the membership.


The Medical Reserve Corps of North Idaho is an all volunteer group of medical and non-medical support personnel interested in volunteering for emergencies such as pandemic, severe weather event, or public health emergency. Volunteers of all skill levels and backgrounds are needed during an emergency response.
Training is provided and there are no minimum time requirements. Volunteers are needed in all five counties of North Idaho. At this time, proof of COVID vaccination is required, background check are completed on all applicants and those with professional licenses, current license status will be verified.


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