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Carthage Volunteer Ghana

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine
  • Sports & Recreation


Scorpion hill lodge,busua ghanaBusua, western region TK 233Ghana Ghana

Organization Information

Mission Statement

CARTHAGE VOLUNTERR GHANA fostered The Surf, Yoga volunteer program in 2015 to help the new surf and Yoga travelers to the town to help the nearby local area. CARTHAGE VOLUNTERR GHANA plans to configuration, coordinate and carry out particular improvement projects in little networks in Ghana. The reach and extent of our tasks are wide and advancing, yet the objective is to assist different Ghanaian people group with creating reasonably while lifting the way of life and personal satisfaction. The Organization is right now centered around improvement projects, including schooling, wellbeing, sterilization and natural undertakings. Through organizations, project facilitators, understudies and volunteers, the Organization works with the neighborhood networks to address their requirements in a mindful manner.


Carthage volunteer Ghana initiated THE SURF YOGA & VOLUNTEER PROGRAM in Ghana. which helps volunteers to have a cultural exchange with the communities and at same time impact with their skills.
The programs runs for a Month, Three months and six months period. which runs through variety of sectors within the community. The program consist of the following programs
Health & Medical
Child Care
Education & After school program.


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