Nurses Serving Our Neighbors
Cause Area
- Advocacy & Human Rights
- Community
- Faith-Based
- Health & Medicine
- Homeless & Housing
Charlotte CommunityCharlotte, NC 28202 United StatesWebsite:
http://www.nsoncharlotte.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
Nurses Serving Our Neighbors (NSON) is a non-profit faith-based ministry of licensed volunteer nurses and others who advocate, navigate, and educate while we accompany our neighbors in need within the Charlotte community. By our presence we bring Christ’s message of love and hope.
Neighbors who benefit from our assistance vary greatly in the community; however, most are homeless, home-bound, or lack significant family support. Some may have an overwhelming medical condition or diagnosis and need resources. All benefit from our efforts, fellowship and prayer.
We ADVOCATE by providing compassionate and informed communication.
We NAVIGATE the complexities of obtaining and maintaining healthcare when adequate resources are lacking.
We EDUCATE about disease management, prevention, treatments, testing, and medications.
We ACCOMPANY during the wellness journey to alleviate isolation.