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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Homeless & Housing


PO BOX 196DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

FISH is an all-volunteer organization providing assistance to community members in a variety of ways including: assisting those who are housing insecure/homeless, in need of food or heating oil, behind in rent, at risk of having utilities shutoff due to nonpayment, or don't have enough money to purchase gasoline.


Doylestown FISH was founded in 1973 to address gaps in services to local residents. We are an all-volunteer organization, answering calls from local residents 12 hours each day 365 days a year. When a person calls, our volunteers spring into action, determining the need of the individual or family, referencing our database, and connecting the caller to the assistance needed. Our services include: temporary shelter in a hotel, rental assistance, financial assistance with utility bills, and contributions to rental deposits. If you are an action oriented, problem-solving individual who wants to have the instant gratification of genuinely helping individuals-Doylestown FISH wants you!


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