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Cause Area

  • Health & Medicine


9935-D Rea Rd.#208Charlotte, NC 28277 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Move For Jenn Foundation is to offer grants in the form of active-wear prosthetics to those who have suffered the loss of a limb to sarcoma or other affiliated diseases. Since most active-wear prosthetics are not covered by insurance, the foundation bridges the financial gap to allow amputees to get back to the physical activities they enjoyed prior to amputation. The Move For Jenn Foundation also aims to find a cure for sarcoma and better treatment options for sarcoma patients. Targeted research, awareness, and advocacy are three core objectives that make the foundation unique.


Sarcoma is a rare bone and soft tissue cancer. A lot of the time the first time you hear the word is at diagnosis. Our nonprofit is sarcoma based and we want to change the system that fails our community. We pride ourselves on bringing light to a dark space. Cancer is hard. There is no way around that. Our nonprofit walks alongside our community through the highs and the lows. Our events (if I do say so myself) are a significant part of how we bring joy to this space. Our annual Pajama themed 5k/10k/fun run is a pajama party for the whole family. We go all out. By volunteering with us, you get to be a part of a moment that brings a community together, helps raise funds for activewear prosthetics, sarcoma research and raises awareness! There are lots of volunteer opportunities throughout the year! We would love to have you help us bring the light and positivity!


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