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First Ladies Youth Leadership Foundation, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


950 Eagles Landing ParkwayStockbridge, GA 30281 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the First Ladies Youth Leadership Foundation, Inc. (First Ladies) is to train and equip girls around the world to be positive global change agents and to dominate in the ten strategic cultures of the nations of the world with strength and dignity.

Our fundamental objectives are outlined within the framework of our 12 pillars:
Purpose & Identity Development
Building Strong Healthy Families
High School Readiness
College Readiness
Kingdom Leadership Development
Etiquette (Soft Skills Training)
Career Readiness
Beloved Community (Service/Social Justice Awareness)

Our secondary objectives are summarized below:
? To teach the kingdom culture.
? To create an innovative space where girls can creatively understand their cultural identity.
? To create a safe space where girls can re-discover their purpose.
? To be a leadership incubator that transforms student followers into leaders and student leaders into positive agents of change who will positively shift school climate and culture.
? To be a resource of support to families, the local school system and the community as we collaboratively educate and invest in the lives of under-served girls and first-generation college bound young women seeking to navigate through high school and college readiness.
? To mentor our scholars for high achieving leadership pathways - such as County/District-Wide Work Based Learning, Peer Leadership, School Councils, S.T.E.A.M and/or Teen Leadership Summit opportunities.
? To introduce our rising young women to women leaders (First Ladies) who have broken glass barriers in their respective professional and personal area of influence.
? To build up every girl to believe in her potential, creative thought, voice and inner beauty.
? To be a local force with a global reach.

First Ladies is a 21-week after-school program that serves middle and high school girls residing in Georgia and Virginia. Throughout the school-year, group e-mentoring/mentoring meetings take place every Thursday and on 4th Saturdays (September 26 - May 2). The program is designed to be a 3-year progressive program inclusive of project- based/experiential learning opportunities, in/out of state college tours, tutoring/mentoring and additional high impact activities.


The greatest act of leadership is mentorship. Mentors transfer their experiences, skills, wisdom and their love for the community through mentoring.

First Ladies Youth Leadership Foundation, Inc. (First Ladies) invests a significant part of our student leadership development into the effectiveness of our mentorship program. Our mentors are essential to the success of our students.

For a minimum of 1-school year (August - July), our mentors share their time and talents with our youth. Mentors undergo an interview, background check, fingerprinting process and a training before beginning to mentor.

A prospective mentor of the First Ladies is a positive member of the local or national community who has a biblical foundation, a healthy passion for the success of our youth and is willing to give of her time, wisdom, and talents to our community's rising women leaders of color. She is of 18 years of age or older and can commit to a minimum of 1-year to mentor middle - college level young women. Her role is to provide encouragement, guidance, advice, feedback, and support to the mentee, serving variously as sister-friend, teacher, counselor, advocate and sponsor. She is not perfect, does not have all of the answers, but she has a heart for others and is willing to listen and also learn from her mentee.

To become a mentor of tomorrow's leaders, visit firstladiesyouthleadershipfdn.org or imentor@firstladiesyouthleadershipfdn.org today. Mentorship models include, but are not limited to the following: 1-1, 2-1, small group, large group and/or at-large.


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