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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Vermont

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy


PO Box 1729Brattleboro, VT 05302 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

One-to-One Mentoring
Big Brothers Big Sisters provides adult to child one-to-one mentoring for children and youth age 6-18. "Bigs" meet with their "Littles" on a weekly or monthly basis to engage in fun activities and provide opportunities for positive youth development by offering stability and positive role modeling, confidence building, and life expanding experiences that their Little may not have access to on their own. All volunteers are fully vetted with a thorough interview process that includes references and background checks. Each volunteer is required to commit a minimum of one year to the program and spend at least 2-4 hours, 2-4 times per month with their Little. BBBS Staff check in with parents, Bigs and Littles on a monthly basis to ensure the match is going well, and to offer support, guidance and resources when challenges arise. Staff also provide monthly activities and quarterly events for the Bigs, Littles and their families to participate in throughout the year. Surveys are conducted on a regular basis to ensure that quality programming is being provided, and to monitor progress of Littles in the program. All volunteers complete an orientation and child safety training prior to being matched and participate in one training of their choice per year that includes positive youth development, trauma-informed practices, child safety, youth development, developing good communication with mentees and their families, or other relevant topics.

Community-Based Mentoring
The goal of our Community-Based program is to open children's eyes to the opportunities outside their immediate environment. Matches go on outings and participate in low cost/no cost activities in the community, such as: going to a museum, biking, kayaking, hiking, cooking, inspiring each other to learn new things or just spending time together and talking. Bigs are required to meet with their Littles 2-4 times per month. Each match is unique and develops a schedule that works for them.

School-Based Mentoring
Although it takes place at schools, our School-Based Mentoring program isn't limited to the classroom. Some Littles talk with their Bigs about class, do homework, or read together; others play board games, shoot hoops in the gym or play on the playground. Along with providing academic support, this mentoring program provides friendship, guidance and inspires Littles to reach their full potential.

Site-Based Plus Mentoring
The site-based plus program is a combination of school and community mentoring. Matches meet weekly at the Little's school during lunchtime/recess while school is in session. Matches are also able to spend time in the community after school, on weekends, and during school vacation.

Bigs in Blue
Bigs in Blue is a one-to- one youth mentoring program that connects youth with police in
communities throughout our nation, building strong, trusting, lasting relationships. These
relationships can help build stronger bonds between law enforcement and the families they
serve. Police officers visit their Little on a weekly basis during their lunch/recess
time at school to socialize, play games, and show a friendlier side of their role within the
community. When school is not in session, matches will communicate via phone and email and
may also participate in Big Brothers Big Sisters sponsored events during the school year and
throughout the summer. Each officer is required to commit to a minimum of one year in the
program and meet with their Little for at least four hours per month. Officers are vetted and
trained just like all of our civilian volunteer mentors.


Seeking mentors over the age of 18 to provide opportunities for positive youth development by offering stability and positive role modeling, confidence building, and life expanding experiences that their Little may not have access to on their own. All volunteers are fully vetted with a thorough interview process that includes references and background checks. Each volunteer is required to commit a minimum of one year to the program and spend at least 2-4 hours, 2-4 times per month with their Little. BBBS Staff check in with parents, Bigs and Littles on a monthly basis to ensure the match is going well, and to offer support, guidance and resources when challenges arise. Staff also provide regular activities for Bigs, Littles and famiies to participate in.


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