One to One Mentoring
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
100 W. Colorado Suite 220Telluride, CO 81435 United StatesWebsite:
http://www.mentoring.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
Youth referred to One to One Mentoring programs represent a broad section of San Miguel County and the towns of Norwood and Telluride. They may be wealthy or lower income, from large or small families, minorities or majorities. Some enjoy trying new things and meeting people while others come from a life of conflict and significant challenges. They all benefit from a little guidance, encouragement and companionship.
Core Mentoring is the heart of the organization. The goals of the program are to empower youth to achieve their social, emotional, and academic potential. Mentors spend 2-6 hours per week with a Mentee (age 5-18) for one year or more. The match spends time involved in enriching activities in the community, spending one-on-one time together as well as joining in on One to One Mentoring's group outings. The match may also focus on homework if there is an academic need.
The Study Buddy Program was created to support students with academic needs but has morphed to include a wide variey of needs - social, emotional and academic.The Mentor and Mentee meet two hours per week for at least a year to work on whatever best suits the youth - life skills, companionship, homework support or other activities. Matches often participate in One to One Mentoring's monthly group activities.
Art Apprenticeship Program - An Art Mentor or tradesperson and the Mentee spend 1-3 hours per week to explore a specific art form or skill. Commitments may be for six months or a year and may include a wide variety of artistic expression, from classical skills to welding.
The Mentor's responsibility is to spend consistent, quality time with a Mentee and to seek support from the organization when needed to improve the relationship. This means meeting at least once a week (usually a set day agreed upon by Mentor, Mentee and Parent), and checking in by phone if you are out of town on vacation, etc. Consistency is the key to a successful relationship.