Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Faith-Based
- International
PO BOX 1703WAPAKONETA, OH 45895 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission, which is founded on Mark 16:15, is to empower the people of east Africa spiritually, educationally, and economically. We envision a world where everyone deserves the same opportunity no matter their location. We serve in Kenya, Africa in the second largest slum in the world, Kibera Slum.
Our centre runs a variety of ministries:
- Prepare street children for school by providing tutoring sessions
- Provide weekly Bible studies for men, women, and children
- Share Christ to those we work with and serve
- Host monthly support groups for men
- Provide employment opportunities for men and women
- Expand partnerships with local schools to get children in Kibera to school
- Share the Word of God by passing out Bibles
- House our headquarters with an office
We currently provide:
- clean water education courses
- clean and clear water through water filters
- demonstrations of how to use toothbrushes and toothpaste
- bars of soap and wash clothes to children
- clean, regular and school clothes to children
- reusable sanitary napkins to school girls to ensure that they do not miss a day of school
Kenya has a high muslim population especially in the city. It is our desire to share Christ by passing out Bibles and simply talking to those we meet! Moreover, Bibles are expensive for many African families to buy. Some families share a Bible within the entire family, while others may have never owned a Bible. The Bibles we pass out are many times a person's very first Swahili or English Bibles.