Flexible Schedule
Athens, TX 75751
Bring your camaraderie and listening skills to share "war stories" and make a difference in a Veterans Day! We have many patients who are veterans and Traditions Health and Hospice is looking for Veterans and or active-duty members to volunteer and visit Veteran patients. The familiarity and comfort that Veterans share with one another makes a relationship very special especially as a patient is entering a terminal phase in his life. We will work with your schedule and match you with patients in your area of town!
Date Posted: 2024-10-28
Flexible Schedule
Tyler, TX 75703
Are you an Active Retiree with Time on your Hands and Love in your Heart? If the answer is YES, we would love to have you be a part of our Volunteer Team. We are looking for fabulous, fun-loving people who are reliable, self-motivated and willing to share your most valuable asset...YOUR PRECIOUS TIME? Volunteers sit with patients, work puzzles, read books, provide caregiver respite or simply just sit and keep them company and you choose the length of your patient visitations - typically, weekly or every other week for an hour.
Date Posted: 2024-10-28
Flexible Schedule
Tyler, TX 75703
Are you an Active Retiree with Time on your Hands and Love in your Heart? If the answer is YES, we would love to have you be a part of our Volunteer Team. We are looking for fabulous, fun-loving people who are reliable, self-motivated and willing to share your most valuable asset...YOUR PRECIOUS TIME? Volunteers sit with patients, work puzzles, read books, provide caregiver respite or simply just sit and keep them company and you choose the length of your patient visitations - typically, weekly or every other week for an hour.
Date Posted: 2024-10-28
Flexible Schedule
Longview, TX 75605
Traditions Health and Hospice is looking for Volunteers to be a Friend for some of our Patients and or their Caregivers! If you have 1 Hour per week to devote to Volunteering, we would love to hear from you! Some of the duties of a Volunteer are: Patient visitation Caregiver companionship Provide opportunities for the caregiver to rest. Serve as a willing and sensitive listener. Interact with the patient and or caregiver by reading, playing games, or doing arts and crafts. Life review Discuss hobbies, interest & current events Read or sing to patient Provide companionship, socialization & emotional/spiritual support Monitor & report progress to hospice team May sit with patient while caregiver runs errands, but no hands-on care
Date Posted: 2024-10-28
Flexible Schedule
Longview, TX 75605
Are you an Active Retiree with Time on your Hands and Love in your Heart? If the answer is YES, we would love to have you be a part of our Volunteer Team. We are looking for fabulous, fun-loving people who are reliable, self-motivated and willing to share your most valuable asset...YOUR PRECIOUS TIME? Volunteers sit with patients, work puzzles, read books, provide caregiver respite or simply just sit and keep them company and you choose the length of your patient visitations - typically, weekly or every other week for an hour.
Date Posted: 2024-10-28