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Florida Department of Corrections

Cause Area

  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Veterans & Military Families


Polk Correctional Institution10800 Evans RoadPolk City, FL 33868 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Florida Department of Corrections is to provide a continuum of services to meet the needs of those entrusted to our care, creating a safe and professional environment with the outcome of reduced victimization, safer communities and an emphasis on the premium of life.


Polk CI is a Department of Corrections re-facility dedicated to preparing offenders for release and readying offenders for successful transition and reintegration into the surrounding communities as productive citizens equipped with viable education, vocational and betterment skill sets. The offenders residing at this facility will be transitioning to release in three neighboring counties; Polk, Hillsborough and Pinellas and as such, seek to access and benefit from the community resources, training and employability agencies and volunteers to provide a seamless transition and successful restoration for our offenders. Polk CI is equipped and offers significant programming to that end and we have garnered release successes and testimonials directly related to their participation in programming. Whether it is a certificated program where an offender can gain industry recognized certifications; a betterment program such as AA/NA, fiscal responsibility, Anger Management, Parenting skills and the like; Substance Abuse, Veterans Needs or Educational programs, Polk CI recognizes the urgency to provide offenders with every opportunity to succeed on release therein reducing the potential for recidivism, making communities safer and enhancing the quality of life.


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