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Volunteers in Plano

Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy


City of Plano1520 K Avenue, Suite 200Plano, TX 75074 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The City of Plano's Volunteers in Plano is committed to encouraging community participation and the comprehensive coordination of volunteers to enhance municipal and community needs.


The VIP Program makes every effort to involve as many citizens as possible in the actual workings of city government. VIPs are a diverse group with a wide range of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. The VIP Program enriches the quality of life in the community by enhancing city services through the individual efforts of the volunteers.


Would you recommend Volunteers in Plano?
3 reviews Write a review
by Shoba K. from Frisco, TX (2016-11-07 12:27:18.0)
LIFT is a great organistion completgely involved with adult literacy, spoken English and mentoring the "Students" until they find respectable jobs in the community. It`s prpobably the only organization that provides literacy to adults at such a lot rate. I am proud to be associated with LIFT for the last 4 years.
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by Sharukh M. (2011-08-18 13:22:17.0)
Any volunteer organization that helps and supports the community deserves all the respect that we can give them. I have not volunteered for this organization but have been a volunteer elsewhere and found them to be very gratifying
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by wendy c. (2009-07-20 08:17:54.0)
I'd like introduce any opportunity to my friends and classmates
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