Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Board Development
- Community
- Education & Literacy
PO BOX 2648OREGON CITY, OR 97045 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The mission of Three Rivers Artist Guild is to primarily promote an exchange of knowledge and information about all types of art and to provide mutual support, encouragement, and education for all its members.
The Three Rivers Artist Guild is a 501c3 organization. TRAG currently has a membership of 142 members. It is a totally volunteer organization. We are very involved in the Community and regularly partner with the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Oregon City Association, and Rotarians in offering Art programs and events to the Oregon City community. TRAG also manages a small gallery inside a local cafe. The Gallery sustains itself through the participants' fees for showing their artwork, and 30% of the total sales. Regular public meetings are held on the second Monday every month at the Pionneer Community Center from 7 - 8:30. Events are held throughout the year, and include the OC Festival of the Arts on the second weekend of August each year. This is a 2-day event that attracts approximately 2500 visitors, and is financially supported through grants and sponsorships. Booth fees for the artists are kept relatively low to showcase art in our community. The Holiday show is also an annual event that takes place the first weekend in December. This is a very popular event in our community and also attracts a considerable number of attendees each year. TRAG is also in the planning stages of partnering with other local organizations for future art installations in our City. It is an exciting time for our organization, but our Bookkeeper for the past 5 years will be leaving at the end of this year.