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Early College High School At Arvada

Cause Area

  • Education & Literacy


4905 West 60th AvenueArvada, CO 80003 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to open pathways to opportunities for students and families. Our safe, inclusive environment provides a fun learning atmosphere built on a foundation of mutual trust and respect.


The Early College of Arvada first opened in 2008. Over the past 10 years, we’ve developed a reputation of successfully preparing students for their futures. Our partnerships with University Colorado Denver and Front Range Community College has grown exponentially over the past years and has proven to be a successful pathway to earning college credits prior to high school graduation. With the support of local postsecondary institutions and our community we pride ourselves on preparing our students for a bright, successful future.

ECA has a robust curriculum helping students accelerate into their chosen career path. Our middle school prepares students for the responsibilities and rigor required to successfully launch into college courses during their high school years thereby earning not only their high school diploma but free college credits and graduating high school with an associates degree or other postsecondary credential or at least sixty credits toward the completion of a postsecondary credential.


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