Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Community
PO BOX 711NEWARK, DE 19715 United StatesOrganization Information
Mission Statement
To gather, preserve and share Newark's history with residents, visitors, students, researchers, and all who are interested in Newark's past.
We share our history through individual research projects, museum exhibits, society meeting presentations, museum archives, and community displays.
The Society's major function will be to discover and collect any material concerning Newark's past and, in connection with existing institutions in Newark, to see that it is preserved and accessible, as far as may be feasible, to all who wish to examine it. The Society will also seek to preserve historic buildings, monuments, and markers. The Society will disseminate historical information and arouse interest in the past by publishing historical material in the newspaper or otherwise; by sponsoring special events including pageants, addresses, lectures, papers, and discussions; by marking historic buildings, sites, and trails; and by using the media of radio and television to awaken public interest and to encourage public support.