Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
PO Box 202697Arlington, TX 76006 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The Bridge by H.O.P.E Foundation, Inc specializes with helping first generation, minority middle and high school students and their families in underrepresented areas in the Houston and DFW metroplex with their overall transition to a school after they have been admitted and even leading up to it. This non-profit was created with hopes that more families are prepared for the next level and crossing the bridge between their dreams and their realities. Many people put an emphasis on college readiness with the academic portion, but there’s another element that goes into academic transition that very few are discussing. So we are just bridging the gap. By H.elping O.thers through P.ositive E.ducation and providing G.rowth L.earning O.pportunities through B.alanced A.djustment and L.eadership (G.L.O.B.A.L) programming , the Bridge By H.O.P.E Foundation, Inc. bridges the gap and develops the leaders of tomorrow by preparing them for their transition today.
The Vision for the Bridge by H.O.P.E Foundation is to guide students on their pathways to being college ready academically and socially. According to the U.S. Census and American College Testing Program, an estimated 18 million students enrolled in college in 2008; nearly 34% dropped out in the first year because they were over confident, under prepared and lacked realistic expectations about college. The Bridge by H.O.P.E Program will not only prepare students for their future, but will give them all the tools necessary to get through their first year in college and beyond by showing them the following:
- Leadership Development
- College Success
- Career Discovery
- Financial Literacy
- Self-Awareness
Designed to socially and academically prepare High School students for that next big step after High School, our ultimate goal is to help others through positive education by bridging the gap between our students' dreams and their realities. Whatever the path our students are lead to pursue, we hope to equip both students and parents with all of the tools necessary to do well with the changes that come with college. We plan to both change the conversation about college readiness and the curriculum in which college and career readiness is presented.