Would you recommend Clean Ocean Action?
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(2009-10-07 15:05:38.0)
I have a love of the Ocean and I know from studing the Ocean through two years of College with a degree in Enviremental Science from Sussex County Community College (S.C.C.C. ) 2000, that the Worlds Oceans are not a place for mankind to be dumping every thing amajinable in to the Worlds Ocean's. I have a real true love of Killer Whales and other Marine amimales that call the Worlds Oceans there home. I beleave that the Worlds Oceans have to be protected from pollution and I am hoping that through Education and School ( College ) work that I might be able to make a difference in Marine animales lives. I am hoping that in the very near future that Ocean dumping will come to an end. I am hoping that the Oceans have not been destroied to a point that they will not be able to come back from.