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Inner City Tennis Clinics Incorporated

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Sports & Recreation


PO Box 43063Cleveland, OH 44143 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Providing Cleveland’s youth with tennis, health, fitness, literacy and creative expression programs to promote hope, healthy living and productive futures.


ICTC was established in 2010 to provide Cleveland youth with programming in tennis, wellness, fitness, literacy, and creative expression programs in an annual summer camp. The Cleveland Clinic was the founding partner and provided the initial funds to start the program, along with the wellness curriculum for the participants.

The goal was to create a motivational and character-building program for children in Cleveland using tennis as the catalyst. ICTC is one of few tennis programs offered in the city of Cleveland and is the only sports-themed program that extends its curriculum beyond tennis to encompass the fitness, wellness, literacy, and creative expressions components.

Inner City Tennis Clinics aims to expand its impact in the urban tennis community by creating a year- round tennis and tutoring program for Cleveland’s youth. ICTC believes its programming provides the opportunity for children to find their hidden talents on the court and in the classroom. We expect the long-term effects of our program on students will lower dropout rates, reduce overall summer learning loss, and increase literacy rates as well as promote healthy living.


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