Plainville Conservation Commission
Cause Area
- Environment
1 Central SquarePlainville, CT 06062 United StatesOrganization Information
Mission Statement
The Plainville Conservation Commission is a non-regulatory commission consisting of 11 members appointed by the Town Manager, with the approval of the Town Council. The Commission concerns itself with the development, conservation, supervision and regulation of natural resources. Its functions are investigative in nature, and include, but are not limited to, the following: *Water *Soil and Land *Recreation *Wildlife *Information and Education *Grants
The Plainville Conservation Commission meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month to discuss local conservation issues. Commission members and friends conduct cleanups of both the Quinnipiac and Pequaubuck rivers each year as well as distribute wildflower and milkweed seeds for pollinators. A Trails Day hike is conducted in town each year as well. The Commission is always looking for help with these endeavors as well as looking for new ideas on how it can help conserve vital resources.