Cause Area
- Community
PO BOX 8496SANTA ROSA, CA 95407 United StatesWebsite:
http://www.thresholdchoir.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
The Threshold Singers of San Antonio offer the gift of song to people who are seriously ill, dying, or grieving, their families and their caregivers. Our songs are simple messages of love and kindness. Through this gentle music, we seek to create moments of grace, love and dignity in difficult times. Also through this powerful music, we seek to bond with and support each other in our journeys and mission.
Part of Threshold Choir International, we are one of more than 150 groups worldwide who visit the bedsides of those struggling with living or dying, singing in harmonized trios to bring peace and comfort. Our music is our gift; there is no charge. We honor all faith traditions and those who declare no adherence to one; we are all-denominational. Many of our songs are sung in Spanish.