Women & Children's Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Hunger
  • Women


1408 N. Washington St.Spokane, WA 99201 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Women & Children’s Free Restaurant & Community Kitchen (WCFR) provides a vital safety net that fills nutritional gaps for women and children in need while fostering dignity and respect, both within our restaurant and in the community.


We planned to serve 100,000 meals in 2020, but the needs of our community quickly changed and we launched a dynamic response. Since March of 2020, we have provided over 4 million meals through curbside services and collaboration with 19 local nonprofit organizations. We serve our community with dignity and compassion, guided by the belief that everyone deserves good food.

WCFR offers two core programs. Meal and Grocery Distribution provides free nutritious scratch-made meals, produce, dairy, proteins, and non-perishable items through contact-less curbside distribution. Nutrition-to-Go (NTG) distributes free, nutritious food meals with other community organizations. 75% of our NTG meals are consumed at homeless shelters and housing programs.


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