Dunedin Music Society, Inc.
Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Community
- Education & Literacy
1497 Main St, Suite 189Dunedin, FL 34698 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Connecting local communities with live music.
To see residents, businesses and visitors to Tampa Bay participate in live music as performers and audiences, sharing concert attendance as one of a number of 'things to do' any day of the week, any time of year, alongside dinner, movies, sports, the beach, etc.
We value:
- Bold integrity;
- Quality before quantity;
- Doing the scary thing, especially when it is opposite to what is popular;
- Momentary, undoctored, natural expression of emotions using music.
- Our members, and the people who amaze them.
- Contributing to something greater. Bigger. No, even bigger than that.
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