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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Women


4196 Merchants Plaza #205WOODBRIDGE, VA 22192 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower, inspire, prepare and educate girls, with the fine art of creative writing and conversations.


Dear Girls Academy, Inc. is an academic, leadership and mentoring organization serving a myriad of teens and families annually. The Dear Girls Academy, Inc. core curriculum educates on self-esteem building, teen dating violence education, the fine art of creative writing and social change. As a nationally recognized nonprofit organization Dear Girls Academy, Inc. serves as a catalyst to kindle conversations addressing the complexities of maneuvering the tween and teen years. Utilizing the highly esteemed curriculum, signature programs, Dear Girls Camps, pop up workshops and summits, there are hundreds of girls and women are impacted by the work annually. Dear Girls Academy, Inc. embodies diversity and inclusion to bridge the gap while serving youth with social, emotional and financial adversities.


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