Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Board Development
- Children & Youth
- Community
4420 6TH AVEPO Box 2102Seaside, CA 93955 United StatesWebsite:
http://www.fortordhostelsociety.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
To help people of all ages and cultures gain a greater understanding and love of the world through travel and hostelling programs.
Our nonprofit is organized for the purpose of developing and operating a hostel in the former Fort Ord at Monterey Bay and to promote the following activities:
1. promote international and intercultural understanding through travel programs and activities.
2. provide low-cost short-term overnight accommodations for travelers of all ages and cultures including groups, families, and individuals.
3. provide for the preservation of land, buildings, and historic resources for charitable and educational purposes
4. partner with k-12 schools, colleges and other educational, historic preservation, recreational, and civic organizations in the development of programs that increase cultural awareness and understanding in the furtherance of world peace
5. cooperate with hostel associations and organizations world-wide for the promotion of international hostelling and understanding