Interpretation and Visitor Services Volunteer
ORGANIZATION: National Park Service
Please visit the new page to apply.
Visitor Services Volunteers are front-line representatives of the National Park Service at Fort Pulaski National Monument (FOPU). Visitor Services Volunteers can be the only park staff that visitors have a personal interaction with, and thus play a critical role for the Interpretation and Visitor Services team. They meet and greet the public at the FOPU Visitor Center and the Fort itself, orienting visitors and sharing the significance of Fort Pulaski’s natural and cultural resources. Volunteers distribute park materials (brochures, maps, and Junior Ranger books) and inform visitors of available programs. Volunteers provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere and the highest level of customer service.
Visitor Service Volunteers are personable, enthusiastic, and patient. They practice active listening and are effective communicators. They bring curiosity and adaptability to their work at FOPU. They work hard to understand both NPS policy and FOPU local policy to enhance visitor safety while at the park. They are team players who support park staff, and as respected members of the FOPU team, they provide constructive feedback about park operations or problems they are experiencing to supervisors
- Volunteers at least one day per month (4-8 hour shift).
- Completes all necessary safety, interpretation, and customer service training for visitor services volunteers and employees.
- Staff visitor contact stations, including the park VC and the Fort.
- Greets visitors and provides general and thematic orientation.
- Makes public announcements, as necessary.
- Presents short (5-minute) orientation talks and provide informal interpretation about park resources.
- Use NPS techniques and work with park staff to create and implement formal programs (interested volunteers will be provided with necessary interpretive training).
- Assist staff in opening and closing the buildings.
- Assist staff in keeping an accurate count of junior ranger booklets, badges, and other materials.
- Monitors stocks of brochures and handouts and makes them available to visitors according to established standards.
Start Date - 2024-10-01
End Date - 2025-08-15
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1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240, US
Mission Statement
The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.
The U.S. National Park Service,, cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage. We care for more than 400 national parks and help communities preserve their historic places and open spaces.
101 Fort Pulaski RdSavannah, GA 31410
February 27, 2025