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Sea Turtle Day Patrol Volunteer

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ORGANIZATION: National Park Service

IMPORTANT: Before submitting an application, please recognize this volunteer position is on the island of St. Croix. Lodging and transportation are NOT provided by the National Parks of St. Croix.

Day Patrols are split between the spring and fall seasons. May-July is focused on recording early sea turtle nesting activities. Volunteers are partnered with a technician to conduct regular beach patrols and record the activities of nesting sea turtles. For each nesting activity, the Volunteer will record location, species, sector, marker number, habitat type, distance to high water, distance to vegetation, nesting type and various other factors on a data sheet.

Operations from September to November are primarily focused on excavation of imperiled nests, evaluation of nesting success, and any late season nesting activity that may occur. Protecting the integrity of the nests is paramount to the National Park Service’s operations at BUIS. To this end, the training and experience levels of volunteers are broken up into three distinct tiers of responsibility. The Volunteer will advance in tiers as they are observed completing each aspect of the program.

General Duties:

  • Accompany the Resource Management team to Buck Island Reef National Monument, and follow the patrol schedule, shifts, assigned duties, and best practices established by the Team Leader exactly .
  • Record every nesting activity location and the required information on the data sheet. Use flagging tape to section off at-risk nests and suspected nests located near visitor areas, particularly around west beach.
  • If a nest relocation is necessary, conduct the operation with your technician and record the necessary data. The Volunteer must wear the proper PPE before touching nests, eggs, or hatchlings. The VIP may release hatchlings with minimal supervision. Not following these rules is subject to immediate termination from the program.
  • After completing the nesting activity, mark the area complete by dragging your foot along the sand, crossing through the turtle tracks, thereby "crossing out" the area. This is to prevent the same activity being documented twice.

Duties: Tier 3

The Volunteer is in training at the entry level. The Volunteer’s focus is close observation, learning operational methods, recording data, while gaining the experience necessary for advanced responsibilities. The VIP advances only when they have been deemed qualified by the team leader and have received the necessary Tier 2 signature from the Park Biologist.

Duties: Tier 2

The Volunteer is moderately advanced. They are committed to the program and are now trusted to record data and conduct patrols with minimal supervision. They are still in training but may assist with excavations and hatchling releases under NPS guidance. The VIP advances only when they have been deemed qualified by the team leader and have received the necessary Tier 1 signature from the Park Biologist.

Duties: Tier 1

The Volunteer is fully advanced. They have fully satisfied all training requirements and are now trusted to conduct all regular patrol operations with minimal to no supervision. The volunteer is committed, has acquired all three signatures, and may now interact directly with sea turtles, nests, and hatchings as approved by their supervisor and the team leader.


There is a minimum one day a week commitment. Day Patrol runs from September-November. Sea Turtle Patrol Volunteers.

Physical Requirements

  • Resource Management Volunteers must be able to stand, sit, and work for extended periods, frequently outdoors in hot, humid conditions in the summer and cool to cold, breezy conditions in the winter.
  • Must be able to work independently and as a part of a team.
  • Must be comfortable handling wild animals
  • Must be comfortable taking supervision and feedback.

Start Date - 2024-08-19

End Date - 2024-11-30

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2100 Church St. #100Christiansted, St. Croix, VI 00820






  • Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday

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