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Help prevent homelessness among seniors

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ORGANIZATION: Catholic Community Services

How can one person help prevent homelessness? You can by volunteering to help a senior stay in the home they are in. You really make the difference. The simple work that you will do will help a senior to live independently longer. This is the way it works. With a helping hand they don't have to do it all. With a helping hand they can keep from getting hurt trying to do housework, that is just too much strain for them to do. Be a part of the solution to a stronger community. You must live or work in Snohomish county.

Flexible hours
Light housekeeping

Through screening we protect our client and through assessment we protect the volunteer.

Catholic Community Services

92 More opportunities with Catholic Community Services

About Catholic Community Services


1918 Everett Ave, Everett, WA 98201, US

Mission Statement

We believe every child should grow up in a safe, lovinng and nurturing environment. We believe the elderly should be able to live with security and dignity. We believe healthy family life should be affirmed and supported in our commuinites. We belive in compassion, love and respect for all people, especially the poor and most vulnerable. We believe in joining with others to change systems that oppress, discriminate or otherwise cause human suffering. We believe employees and volunteers should work in an enironment that fosters respect, teamwork and excellence. We believe in all of these things for all people, whatever their color, whatever language they speak, or however they worship.


Chemical dependency, Counseling, Foster Care, housing, In-home support svcs, Pregnancy support, Mental Health svcs, Volunteer Chore , Volunteer Transportation


Veterans & Military Families
Community, Seniors, Veterans & Military Families


We'll work with your schedule.


throughout Snohomish CountyEverett, WA 98201



  • Elder care
  • Hospitality
  • Housekeeping


  • People 55+


  • Background Check
  • Must be at least 21
  • Orientation or Training
  • Two hours a week or a couple times a month
  • Screening Orientation

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