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The Best Volunteer Opportunities in {{ city }} | VolunteerMatch

The Best Virtual Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer from Anywhere

{{ totalVols }} volunteers are needed near {{ city }} {{ causesText }}

{{ totalVols }} volunteers are needed virtually {{ causesText }}

Displaying {{ loadMoreStart ? loadMoreStart : countStart }} - {{ countEnd }} of {{ ogResultSize }} Opportunities
The opportunity you requested is no longer available. Please search for another opportunity.
Your search location was invalid, please check out these virtual opportunities or enter a new location.
There're no volunteer opportunities in the location you've searched. Please try a different location. Here are some virtual opportunities that are available, regardless of where you're located. If you'd like to search for opportunities in a different location, update city or zip code and clear filter.
There are no volunteer opportunities that match your filtering criteria. Please consider changing your filter settings.

{{ errMsgTxt }}

Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. Please try again.

  • {{ displayNum(index) }}
    {{ opp.detail.title }}

    {{ isFavorite( ? 'Remove from' : 'Add to' }} Favorites

    {{ opp.dateRange.startDate }} - {{ opp.dateRange.endDate }} |
    {{ opp.dateRange.startTime }} - {{ opp.dateRange.endTime }} |
    Flexible Schedule |
    Virtual Opportunity
    This opportunity has {{ opp.detail.shifts.length }} shift{{ opp.detail.shifts.length > 1 ? 's' : '' }}

    Date Posted: {{ opp.postDate }}
    Distance: {{ opp.distance }} (this data is visible only on non-prod site for testing purpose)
    WC: {{ opp.weightedConnectionCount ? opp.weightedConnectionCount : "Calculated run-time" }} (this data is visible only on non-prod site for testing purpose)
    {{ orgOppsNum(opp.parentOrgOppCount - 1) }}
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