
Your Resource Solution
We have compiled some helpful materials to help you run a great volunteer program. Take a look below to see Tips & Tricks, news, FAQs and more.
Run a Great Volunteer Program
Learn more about how other organizations are achieving success with their volunteer programs.
Be a Great Place to Volunteer
Want help attracting a pool of talented and dedicated volunteers? Read our Tips & Tricks!
Designing Opportunities for Online Recruitment
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Here are some guidelines for creating VolunteerMatch listings that really work.
Read answers to questions we're frequently asked by our nonprofit members.
Stay Informed With Our Newsletter
Our nonprofit newsletter offers the latest updates on VolunteerMatch, upcoming events and recruiting tips.
Spread the Word
Share our latest PSA with your friends or download our logo and link to us from your site.
How the Internet Has Changed Volunteering
Read our recent study highlighting the successful use of VolunteerMatch among both nonprofits and volunteers.

Boomer Volunteer Engagement
This innovative book provides a step-by-step guide for engaging Boomers as volunteers to build organizational capacity.
This book contains everything nonprofits need to engage skilled Boomer volunteers.
Read Engaging Volunteers
Our new blog for organizations has articles, interviews, and tips on how to recruit and manage volunteers more effectively to reach your mission.