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Cooperative Economics for Women

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Education & Literacy
  • Immigrants & Refugees
  • Race & Ethnicity
  • Women


65 Nahant AvenueRevere, MA 02151 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Cooperative Economics for Women organizes low-income immigrant and refugee women of color to address problems they face as they struggle to meet their basic needs. CEW helps low-income women organize in their language communities. We address issues associated with welfare and immigration reform, and integration into U.S. society.


Poor women today face obstacles to doing what they consider their primary job - caring for themselves, the children and communities. Health care is not affordable, minimum wage provides only half of what it costs live in Boston, and child care is scarce. Women of color and immigrant and refugee women face added institutional and systemic barriers: the extreme narrow-mindedness and prejudice represented by the race federal welfare and immigration reforms, other efforts to deny legal immigrants access to services their to money has purchased, every day racism endemic in the US, lack of access to English as a Second Language Classes, GED and other educational opportunities .


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