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Wipe Out Kids' Cancer

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Sports & Recreation


6350 LBJ FreewaySuite 162Dallas, TX 75240 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To wipe out pediatric cancer by funding INNOVATIVE research, education, and treatment, while providing hope to CHILDREN affected with cancer.


Wipe Out Kids Cancer (formerly A Weekend to Wipe Out Cancer) just celebrated 25 years of following its mission to eradicate pediatric cancer by funding innovative research, education and treatment, while providing hope to children affected with cancer.

Founded in 1980 by Cindy Brinker Simmons in memory of her mother, the late great tennis champion Maureen ?Little Mo? Connolly Brinker, Wipe Out Kids? Cancer has raised approximately $3 million in the crusade against pediatric cancer.

Wipe Out Kids? Cancer is proud to partner with Children?s Medical Center Dallas and raise funds for the following programs:
Ambassador Program
Each year, the doctors and nurses at Children?s select 10-15 children currently undergoing cancer treatment to serve as WOKC Ambassadors. These Ambassadors represent over 300 children diagnosed and treated for cancer each year at Children?s.

Ambassadors and their families attend WOKC functions, from pool parties to baseball games, held in their honor throughout the year, giving the children a chance to just be kids and forget about their cancer treatments.


Each year, the medical staff at Children?s requests support from Wipe Out Kids? Cancer to fund a specific research project. For 2006, the monies raised will go to a research program aimed at pediatric leukemia. Several of the top cancer initiatives at Children?s Medical Center are internationally recognized and are programs WOKC has supported over the years.
Since 1980, the survival rate for pediatric cancer has increased from less than 50% to over 80%. Wipe Out Kids? Cancer will not halt its efforts until children are free from the threat of cancer.


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