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Loon Lake Food Pantry & Resource Center

Cause Area

  • Homeless & Housing


PO Box 64Loon Lake, WA 99148 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To create a place for healing and awareness, personal growth, Mental, Physical & Siritual. Raising our consciousness to Peace, Love & Enlightment.To provide healing workshops, speakers, networking. Whatever brings us closer to a conscious awareness of Love and Inner Peace.To assist our community with peace, love and caring. To enlighten others to the true value of service in assisting young, old, ill and hungry. By bringing our Peace to our community, our Vision will grow to encircle the earth.


This Food Bank & Resource Center was started in 1980 out of the trunk of a car. We have come a long way, but times are difficult with welfare reform and given the impoverished area we reside in. Loon Lake Food Pantry serves 7 other rural communities with approximately 4,500 families. Our only source of income is $2,000 from FEMA. Donations of food, household items and cloths keep the door open. During an average month we serve 697 families, thats 2292 people.


Would you recommend Loon Lake Food Pantry & Resource Center?
1 review Write a review
by Faith G. from WA (2009-11-29 21:48:24.0)
The people at the Loon Lake Food Pantry are: positive, forward-thinking, hard-working, honest, fun-loving, light-hearted, uplifting, non-discriminating, and outgoing individuals who have an intense desire to help the members of the community in every way they can! I used to go there with my parents when I was younger for a little while and felt so much better when one of the volunteers actually let me pick out my own birthday cake. "What a treat!" I thought to myself as I thanked the volunteer. I was only 9 then. I noticed everyone there had genuine smiles on their faces, and that made my day. I looked forward to going there again! Later on, when I got a little older, I did. But, by then, I decided to become a volunteer, myself. Once again, I thought it was such a treat to be there to also help others. I highly recommend this place for anyone to visit-ANY DONATIONS (even your spare time on Tue and Th) are appreciated! Keep up the good work guys!
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