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American Cancer Society - Relay For Life

Cause Area

  • Board Development
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Sports & Recreation


1940 East Deere Avenue, Suite 100Santa Ana, CA 92705 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.


Relay For Life is a fun-filled event designed to celebrate cancer survivors and raise money to help the American Cancer Society save lives, help those who have been touched by cancer, and empower individuals to fight back against the disease.

During the Relay for Life, 10-20 people come together to form a team. The teams come from local businesses, churches, MOMs clubs, youth groups, etc and take turns walking/running laps around a high school track. The entrance fee per team is ONLY $150 and then each person fundraises at their own pace. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times for a total of 24-hours.


It's crazy, but WoNdErFuL! The reason its 24 hours long is because cancer patients endure pain 24 hours a day and we can all give up 24 hours to celebrate them, their lives and the strides in finding a cure!! Cancer never sleeps.

There are 25 Relay for Life events throughout Orange County! So go to www.relayforlife.org and find the one nearest YOU!! OH, don't forget to invite your favorite cancer survivors... we want to honor and pamper them at our events!

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