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Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Faith-Based


6935 Wisconsin AvenueSuite 518Bethesda, MD 20815 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We seek to increase awareness among American Christians of the urgent needs of Christians in the Holy Land, to enrich the lives of American Christians through contacts with Christians in the Holy Land, and to raise and distribute money for programs which will encourage and assist Christians to remain in the Holy Land. We seek to provide financial, moral, and spiritual support for our brothers and sisters in order to improve the deplorable living conditions which they are forced to endure. We seek to replace despair with hope, fear with security, and humiliation with human dignity.


The Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by an ecumenical group of American Christians to preserve the Christian presence in the Holy Land. It began as collaboration between Mr. Rateb Y. Rabie, a Palestinian American Christian, and Father Emil Salayta, a Jordanian priest serving in Palestine. They believed that if American Christians were told of the desperate situation of the Christians in the Holy Land, American Christians would reach out to help. They were right. Very quickly, highly respected individuals expressed an interest in serving on the Board of Directors and/or Advisory Board for HCEF. Father Emil also organized a Holy Land Coordinating Committee to set up and supervise HCEF's local projects. The two boards and the Holy Land Coordinating Committee are comprised of known, respected and active Holy Land community members (both lay and clergy) from the three Christian traditions -- Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant. HCEF serves all of the Christian denominations within the Diocese of Jerusalem in Palestine, Jordan, and Israel. Soon after HCEF was formed, it became apparent that the foundation would need local representatives in American cities where the foundationâ  s work was taking root. As a result, the Holy Land Christian Support Network (HCSN) was formed.


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