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Agenda for Children Tomorrow-FCNY: Bushwick IMPACT

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Women


69 central aveBrooklyn, NY 11206 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

IMPACT empowers parents to maximize their children's potential by strengthening/stabilizing families, building community and influencing the policies/systems that affect them.


Bushwick IMPACT (Informing More Parents Across the Community Together) is an innovative and fast growing family resource center in Brooklyn. Our welcoming storefront helps parents and caretakers of children under eight to access resources and opportunities related to education, child development, special needs, parenting, family literacy, leadership and whole family development. IMPACT strives to empower parents to maximize their children’s potential by strengthening families, enriching community life and influencing the systems that affect them. We build parent leadership, promote family literacy, and provide family support, and child development supports. The organization is staffed primarily by Parent Advocates, trained community residents who offer quality outreach, referrals and parent-to-parent peer support. IMPACT is a project of Agenda for Children Tomorrow (ACT), a 20 year-old public/private initiative that works to build neighborhood coalitions that improve access and quality of service delivery systems for families.


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