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VolunteerMatch Solutions

With the world's largest volunteer network in the world, it's easy to connect. Whether you're an individual, nonprofit, or business, our trusted solutions help you connect with your community and achieve your volunteering goals

VolunteerMatch Solutions

With the world's largest volunteer network in the world, it's easy to connect. Whether you're an individual, nonprofit, or business, our trusted solutions help you connect with your community and achieve your volunteering goals

For Businesses

Empower your team to give back to your community with thousands of always-up-to-date, impactful, skills-based volunteering opportunities. On-location, virtual, group-oriented, kid-friendly—you name it, we've got it.


For Agencies

Offer the brands you work with something powerful: the opportunity to engage each and every one of their stakeholders in personal and meaningful ways—beyond charity, at scale, within every ZIP code across the US.

For Public Sector

Our turn-key digital infrastructure streamlines your statewide or citywide volunteer responses to natural disasters, food insecurity, blood drives, and other critical needs of your communities.

For Nonprofits

Create a free account on the largest nonprofit network in the world to begin recruiting skilled and motivated in-person and virtual volunteers to your cause.

For CSR Platforms

Become a certified VolunteerMatch partner and reseller. Augment your SaaS platform with the full library of VolunteerMatch volunteering opportunities, and provide your clients and their employees with a more personalized experience.

For Volunteers

Provide your skills, talents, and interests to nonprofits in your neighborhood or around the country that need passionate individuals like you to support important causes you care about.



Professional Development

The Learning Center provides invaluable resources to leaders of volunteers—free of charge!

Learn more.






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Our Solutions

Regardless of who you're trying to activate into service or where you need to reach them, we have products, services, and partnership opportunities designed to magnify your impact—all powered by the immense value of our Open Network.

Learn more.


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Resource Center

Research, blog articles, and toolkits, for volunteers, nonprofit leaders, and corporate professionals. 

Check out our resources


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Introducing Activation Hubs

  Companies, governments, brands, recording artists, and other influential and prominent voices in America partner with VolunteerMatch to activate their communities and invest in the causes they're passionate about.  


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Introducing Activation Hubs

Companies, governments, brands, recording artists, and other influential and prominent voices in America partner with VolunteerMatch to activate their communities and invest in the causes they're passionate about.

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Help Secure Our Future

VolunteerMatch is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization defining the future of volunteering in America.

Explore giving options.



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